Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Ditty

One of my co-workers told me the other day that she was upset because I had stopped posting on my blog....
I told her that I had not given up my blog, but that my brain had just been in solitary confinement for a few months and was just recently released for good behavior.
It's sad but true that sometimes we put things on the back burner that we really enjoy doing while lifes nonsense gets in the way.
As a result of that conversation, I thought I would tiptoe back into bloghood and post this little ditty to ponder before the madness of Christmas begins. (Too late, it started right after Halloween!)
So please enjoy and have a lovely holiday!

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town.
Everyones' smiles were all turned upside down!
"We still are not finished, the house is not ready!"
"The carpets are dirty,"
"My legs are still hairy!"
"How will we be able to have Christmas day?"
"When things are all messy and in disarray?"
"I still have at least fourteen presents to buy."
"Why I wait till the last minute, I just don't know why."
Then while making my list of the tasks for the day,
The mailman pulled up with my gifts from Ebay!

A call to dear Stanley who steam cleaned my rug,
I gave him some nut bread and big Christmas hug!
Then my children and puppies all woke up to say,
"Dear Mama, don't worry about Christmas Day!"
"The reason it's here is because of true love."
"From our families and friends and the dear Lord above."
"The joy we'll all feel can't be bought from a store."
"It's from having our loved ones come darken our door."

So put down your worries and stock up with cheer.
And give thanks that we're blessed and we've lived through this year.
Cuz time it is fleeting, so my wish to you,
Is not to get caught up in the hullabaloo.
So kiss all your peeps and be glad that you got 'em.
And if you can find one, go hug a big possum! (you knew he would be in here somewhere)

Cuz all of these folks are what make life worth living.
It's not what your getting or what you are giving!

So I'm sending a group hug that I hope will spiral.
I hope that it's catches on, maybe go viral.
For love, peace and joy and some holiday cheer.
To all of you that kept me smiling this year!
And as for the presents, if you hit rock bottom.
Just drop by my house, I will give you MY possum. (sorry, I couldn't

........I'm just sayin'

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