Saturday, April 6, 2013

A quick Saturday ditty....

It's Saturday morning,
The house is a sty.
The grass in the front yard is nearly thigh high.
I can't find a pillow on top of my bed.
So I'll use a plump puppy to prop up my head.
It's been a long week, I've been toiling each day.
The dust bunnies just have not been kept at bay.
The dishes are toppling in piles on the sink,
The trash in the can is beginning to stink.
The laundry is waiting in heaps on the floor,
I have to wade through it to get to the door.
But you can't upset me,
No sir, not today.
Cuz life is too short to be stressed out that way.
I might take the day to just take care of me.
To sit in the sunshine and sip some hot tea.
Or curl up with a magazine, flip through the pages.
It seems like I haven't done that for ages!

The decision is tough, it makes my head dizzy.
Will I be a big slug or get up and get busy?
Just a few minutes more to sprawl in the bed with a warm puppy body tucked under my head.
I guess I'll get going.
I think that I must.
You think Cesar Millan could teach puppies to dust??

......I'm just sayin'

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