Friday, January 27, 2012

Are you a Jaguar or a Roadrunner?

Day Two of the blog! 
Had one comment….Thank you Mell!
You notice I changed the color of the font so you can actually read it.
For all of us in the "seeing eye dog generation" that was just not cuttin' it.
Hope its better now.
So yesterday I decided to cross the street as an actual pedestrian…..
Since when did this practice become akin to being a contestant on Survivor?
First you wait patiently on the corner for the little “crossing man” signal and when he appears you start your journey.
Now for any of you who have not tried this recently, the amount of time that they give you to cross would only be sufficient if you were descended from either a JAGUAR OR A ROADRUNNER!!!!
Immediately the red flashing hand appears and the countdown begins….so you sprint across, stealthily dodging the 16 year old maniac who actually has tally marks on the side of his car for “pedestrian kills”, only to land sweaty and exhausted on the other side….
Not fun….at all……
Sometimes you will see an unlucky soul perched on the median with a homeless person with a cardboard sign, waving their arms like a helicopter landing captain at the oncoming traffic hoping to finish their trek to the promised land sometime this week…..they just weren’t speedy enough!
Bad pedestrian, no biscuit!  (You can tell I have a new puppy)
And heaven forbid if you are elderly or disabled!
Please explain the chirping sound they have for the blind to alert them of the light change!
Since they are blind they might think someone “sky dropped” them into the Zoo or Wild Animal Park when this absurd thing cranks on.
Considering the speed factor problem I think it would be more appropriate for a voice to begin to scream,
RUN. run like the wind, the hand is flashing, the hand is flashing!”
…….I’m just sayin’

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