Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello Friday! We love you man......

How good is your memory?
I’ve had people tell me that they can remember things that they did in Kindergarten.
Or from when they were an infant.
I’m lucky to remember to flush the toilet when I leave the bathroom.
When my mother developed dementia after a brutal surgery on her leg at the age of 90, she began to drift in and out of the present day and would speak of her childhood and teenage years as if they were yesterday.
Where were those memories locked away?
What cryptic key opened the door to her past and let those ghosts from long ago come strolling on in?
I sometimes wish we had some sort of Ipod playlist of brain cells which we could dial up and take us back to relive certain moments in time.
I know we would appreciate the good times more than we did when we were living them.
It’s because as we age, we realize how precious and few some of those special times can be.
I also know we would avoid the painful memories which crushed our souls and brought us to our knees.
Even though those life jarring moments helped forge us into the people we are today.
You must take the bitter with the sweet.
It makes the sweet so much more appreciated.
So just remember that you are building memories every day that you are blessed enough to take another breath.
For yourself.
For your children.
And for the planet.
And some day you will look back and say,
“Remember that Friday morning when I woke up and didn’t want to go to work?”
And then I did it anyway just because it was the right thing to do?
And then fretted all day because I couldn’t remember if I flushed the toilet?
Yeah, but it was a good day anyway…..
Happy Friday Everybody!
………I’m just sayin’

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