Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Grab your bag and run!

It’s Monday night.
The last day of my three day weekend…
Need to back to work to REST!
I am on the Amtrak version of the “red-eye” zipping through the night and listening to the guy behind me who is snoring.
REALLY loud.
Not the normal, “that’s kinda buggin’ me” snoring, but hardcore “movin’ the curtains”, “hand him a Breathing Strip”, kind of snoring.
This guy is excellent at it!
Let’s just say if there was a snoring Olympics he would be the Michael Phelps of adenoids.
Anyway, not the point.
So after a long day at Disneyland, (which will require a whole blog entry by itself), I was just able to stumble into the terminal and catch the final train to San Diego.
It leaves Anaheim at 10:48 p.m. and arrives in Old Town at 12:40 a.m.  (For all of you time-impaired folks that translates into, “really freakin’ early”.
On the plus side, at this late hour there are very few folks on board.
Not a wiffle ball in sight. (please see previous post),  which  is a big bonus if you are tired and have to get up at 6:00 a.m. for work the next day.
On the down side, the folks working this late run are frankly tired of the “All Aboard” cheeriness and just want to be done for the day.
What this means to me as a traveler is, they don’t like to stop.
Unless they are forced to.
And when they do, you better be ready to detrain (ridiculous word), or they will choo-choo your tired carcass all the way to the end of the line.
So because I was “detraining” one stop before the final destination, I had to be on my toes.
This meant pulling out one of my earplugs on my IPod and not falling asleep lest I should miss the announcement which would go something like this.
“Next stop Old Town. If this is your final destination , please gather all of your belongings and be ready to exit quickly as this will be a brief  stop.”
What this really means is, “next stop,Old Town, IF this is where your tired rear-end is getting off, you better grab your 40 pound piece of luggage and sprint down the stairs or you’ll miss it and be dumped off at the Downtown terminal instead!
“Cuz we are tired and wanna go home!”
P.S.“Thank you for choosing Amtrak!”
So because I didn’t want to crash in Horton Plaza for the night, I kept vigilant, paid attention, and actually was able to leap off in Old Town before the door closed on my heels!
Of course, I jacked up my back in the process, but that's a minor point!
So off to work this morning looking like something the cat dragged in and counting my blessings.
The first one would be, that I am NOT married to the snoring man.
Cuz I would be spending a kings ransom in ear plugs every month AND eventually I would have to smother him with a pillow.
 And murder is just not nice.
Even for me.
…..I’m just sayin’

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