Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome all you fellow maniacs!

Welcome all you fellow maniacs! 
This is the first entry of my new blog…..Its name comes from a nickname that was given to me by one of my daughters’ high school friends.  Our house was always the local “youth hostel” when all of my children were in school and it is still not uncommon for me to wake up and find new friends camped on my living room floor.  I considered it a blessing that they wanted to be at home, so I was always excited to see new faces.  Hence, I was “MamaPandza” to many and birth mother to three.  This will be a blog of my observations about life with my twisted yet comical perspective.  There will be some fictional facts and also some stories that have been passed down by my family and friends and hopefully it will be fun and entertaining.  If you don’t like what I write, that fine.  If you don’t, that’s fine too.  Just don’t bother to send me mean or demeaning messages cuz I will just think you are mean (which is possible) or sad (which is also possible).
You are welcome to start your own blog if you yearn to give voice to your opinions. Or if that is too much trouble and I am upsetting you, just slide your mouse to the upper right hand corner of your computer screen where the little X is and click on it.  Then you can go back to searching YouTube for “cats who can flush the toilet videos” or whatever floats your mental boat. 
The rest of my blog title is courtesy of my crazy co-worker and friend Ryan, who possesses the same sarcastic, deadpan sense of humor that I do.  I blatantly stole it from him cuz he always finishes the funniest most ridiculous statement with “I’m just sayin’” ….so Kudos to you, “Catman”!
Just another FYI.  This is my first attempt at this blog world and as such am still tweaking and revising my sight. Please bear with me and be kind and I hopefully will have it figured out in a decade or so.   
So here we go.  Off into the demented, silly, nonsensical and yet glorious world that we all live in, where I will be your nutty “Jungle Cruise” guide on the sea of life. ENJOY!


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