Friday, March 9, 2012

Michael Caine, Where Are You?

I had a dream last night about Michael Caine and vegetables.
We were in an old-fashioned looking general store shopping for fruit and the entire display began to cascade down onto the floor.
This was very amusing to us and we commenced to pick up apples , oranges and other assorted fruit stand delectables and roll them at each other, all the while laughing like a couple of hyenas.
Sadly this entire dream sequence would have been lost forever if at that exact moment I hadn’t woken up to the sound of my phone receiving a text message from my daughter.
"R u awake?"
It was 2:28.
Now you know that this message is being sent by someone in their 20’s.
Reason being, nobody else would be awake at that hour and be sending someone a text message.
And expecting them to actually answer.
My response:  “Just woke up when your text hit my phone.” 
“R u okay?”
(Automatic parental question whether your child is 24 or 67)
“I’m sooo sorry I woke you up!”
“Can you proofread something for me?”
Uuummmmmm, that would be…… I don’t think so.
I’m thinking unless it’s tattooed under my eyelids, that is a
horrible plan.
My texted response went like this.
“It’s okay that you woke me up. Was having a freaky dream
about the guy that plays Scrooge (my brain wasn’t working)
and rolling vegetables.”
This entire dream scenario had completely skipped my mind
until I saw my cryptic prose just a few moments ago while
checking my text messages.
Decided I would Google the dream and see exactly what was
going on in my night time noggin’.
According to the” Dream Dictionary:
 ”To see a celebrity in your dream, or even to be dating or making out with a famous person in your dream, represents your understanding about him or her and the feelings he/she generates in you. Something in your waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings.”
Who knew?
Well we weren’t making out but we were having a farmers
market "moment".  Apparently since I know him so well we
both must also have a mutual fondness for fruit salad.
And bowling.
Or shopping while bowling.
But wait!
There’s more!
I Googled “fruit in your dreams” and this is what I learned.
If you dream of an apple it means wisdom and an orange
represents health and prosperity.
Bananas on the other hand signal sexual urges and desires.
(makes complete sense to me) and
prunes signify a blockage in emotion or creativity.
Now I would think prunes would signify an un-blockage in
emotion or creativity, but what do I know.
Bottom line is, I am going to be wise, healthy and prosperous
and maybe marry Michael Caine.
Or at least see one of his movies.
But the funniest explanation by far was an interpretation of a
dream about Cheetahs.

And I quote, “To see a Cheetah in your dreams means you
are being too lazy and that you need to get moving and
become more active in pursuit of your goals.” Unquote.

I think if you see a Cheetah ANYWHERE you need to get
moving and become more active in pursuit of your LIFE!

…….I’m just sayin’

1 comment:

  1. Who comes up with these dream interpretations? Although I must admit the banana thing is pretty obvious.. ;)


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