Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning Coercion

Years ago my Daddy and I were discussing a home improvement project that my Mama had requested him to do and he said, “you know, if it were up to men we would still be living in a cave.” “We really don’t care what color the curtains are, as long as we have a television set in the room and something to eat.”
A simple but true statement.
I’m sure back in prehistoric days the Mama Cavelady was sitting there watching her husband grunting and slobbering over her well prepared daily kill and she looked up and exclaimed,
“You know Curly, I’m tired of that Mastodon skin over the cave opening, can you find me something a little more contemporary, like a leopard?”
And thus the cycle of home decorating began.
They say our homes reflect our souls and the way it looks is a mirror to our psyche.
Mine is screaming that I am a Home Depot “Oops” project.
My living room is seven different colors and can’t decide what it’s theme should be.
It’s a cross between Pee Wee’s Playhouse and the Shire from Lord of the Rings.
I love it.
My best friends house is beautiful.
Always clean, well-groomed, timeless and perfectly decorated.
If it was a celebrity it would be Betty White.
Mine would be Lady Gaga.
Complete with meat on the floor.
With every new season, (especially in Spring and Summer), the home improvement stores pour out commercials encouraging us to redecorate and paint.
People leaping through their houses with magical paint brushes, mowing their already pristine lawns and building new patio furniture, complete with dancing dogs and helpful children.
These are meant to inspire us to open our purses and change our living quarters to uplift our hearts and do those much needed projects we have been putting off all year.
They just make me want to take a nap.
Or go over to my neighbors’ house and steal one of the hamburgers he is cooking on his clean BBQ grill.
Mine is still crusted over from last years Fourth of July celebration.
There might actually still be a forgotten left over weenie on the bottom burner.
I say you should do what makes you happy and keeps you within your budget!
Don’t let others coerce you into buying and doing things you don’t need or can’t afford!
Enjoy your home with it’s scarred up walls and 1950’s bathroom tile despite all the outside pressure to “tear that ugly crap down!”
It’s Spring and we should celebrate another new season leading up to a fantastic Summer!
And you never know, I may actually work up the energy to clean that grill before I invite you over for the Fourth of July.
…….I’m just sayin’

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