Monday, March 12, 2012

Parrothead Nirvana!

I am happy to report I was able to procure the equivalent to the ticket to Nirvana for Parrotheads!
Twelfth row tickets to the insanity at Viejas  Arena on Saturday night…
Also known as , the Jimmy Buffett concert at San Diego State.
For all of you who are not familiar with the Buffett phenomenon, I will offer a brief explanation.
History lesson, history lesson!
Jimmy Buffett is a singer/songwriter, author, producer , businessman and performer who has been entertaining audiences since the early 70’s.  He started as a lead-in act for the Eagles and slowly grew in popularity, building his following until he gained commercial recognition with the songs, “Margaritaville”, “Cheeseburger in Paradise”and “Come Monday.” In 2003, he released “It’s  5’O’Clock Somewhere” with Alan Jackson which threw  him into the Country Music spotlight and he became an “overnight success” (tongue in cheek) after over 30 years in the recording industry.
His estimated net worth is over 620 million dollars.
Not bad for a guy who has been flying under the radar forever…
True Buffett fans are referred to as “Parrotheads”, which is a take-off on the “Deadheads” who were the followers of the music group, “The Grateful Dead.”
Since most of Buffetts’ music has been influenced by the laid-back tropical lifestyle in Key West, Florida, parrotheads “flock” to Mr. Buffetts’ concerts in full tropical regalia complete with parrot costumes, grass skirts and every conceivable type of island inspired finery.
Unless you witness this madness first hand, it is impossible to explain.
As one of his album titles says, “You Had To Be There.”
You just can’t put this frivolity into words.

On Saturday night the huge parking lot of Qualcomm Stadium had been offered up as a tailgating site for the concert since parking lot access at the venue was scarce and awkward.
So we took the trolley to Qualcomm to begin the quest for the” Entrance to Oz” as we did not have any tickets for the show cuz Ticketmaster is evil.
Seated across from my sister was a gentlemen and his wife who were on their way to the stadium as well and were members of the San Diego Parrothead Club.
She struck up a conversation and explained we were going to the stadium “Parrothead  Party” to try and acquire tickets to the concert
These were lovely folks. 
Mid 60’s to early 70’s, and from all appearances completely sane.
Until he pulled out his plastic grocery bag and began to show us his outfit for the show.
A Carmen Miranda hat complete with fake bananas , coconut bra with flower pasties, grass skirt and to complete the look, a fake plastic bottom adorned with a thong and dollar bill.

You gotta have some chutzpah to slip on this garb and walk around in public!
My kinda crazy!
But the funny part is, in the land of the Buffettheads, this guy IS the normal!
We spent the next 2 hours surrounded by land sharks, tiki bars, imported beach sand, pirates and laughter.
BBQ’s fired up, music spilling out of RV’s, (some of them worth more than my house), everybody laughing and having a blast.
Hula hoops, flamingos, palm trees and fun.
But the best part of the Buffett crowd is their age diversity and as boring as the word is, they are just plain NICE!!
We plodded from car to car pressing our inquiry for extra tickets and with no exception were met with generosity, (we had multiple offers of food and drink), kindness and laughter.
From 18 to 80, a brotherhood of the balladeer who preaches, “Who knows why you start rediscovering your heart, and that’s why Jimmy dreams.”
A cohesive clique of humanity  who transport themselves, even for a few hours, to a land of sea breezes, steel drums and Margaritas.
You gotta love ‘em.
So to make a long story even longer, we scored some tickets at the last minute from a guy with a cardboard sandwich board that was tied to his barrel chest with string who ended up sitting next to us in the same row.
He liked us.
He liked our cash even better.
An epic night with Mr. Buffett.

As I said before, it should be on your “Bucket List”.
If only to see "Mr. Carmen Miranda."
……..I’m just sayin’

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