Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pet Peeve

The following is a previous Facebook post from awhile back.
Hey, it's Saturday and I woke up late!
So enjoy and I'll see you on Monday.....

That scraping sound you hear is me pulling over my soapbox.
Pet Peeve…
Why are banks so big?
They are on every corner and some of them are massive!
You go inside the bank and there are approximately  9-12 teller windows.
Have you EVER gone inside a bank where all the windows are open? 
That would be NEVER!!
If they built banks based on the customer service windows they use it would be the size of the flower kiosk on the corner.
The other windows are just there to taunt you into thinking they may actually have that many tellers who are available to take your money.
There is usually one piddly window open with a “training teller” working at it and 30 other bank employees wandering around the perimeter with Starbucks cups in their hands, shuffling papers, copying stuff, building cute promotional displays, arranging the action figures on their desks, chatting up the “new girl” or better yet, seated at desks trying to entice new suckers into the fold!!!
Meanwhile, you are parked in the line with 25 other people , setting up your camping tent, using up all the battery in your cell phone cleaning out your email, peering at the front of the line like it’s a monetary Nirvana, “Look dear, that man is actually talking to a teller now!” 
Obviously if you can avoid this procedure AT ALL you do it by going to the drive-up or ATM cuz braving this nonsense makes you INSANE!.  THEN…if you actually do reach the front of the line, inevitably as you start to step forward the teller slams the little 4 inch wooden door in your face and says, “Sorry, I’m closing!”  This means you have to slyly saunter backwards and act like you don’t feel foolish.   When in actuality, you picture yourself throwing your body over the tiny door, grabbing “Karen” by the throat and screaming, “You think this door will stop me from choking you out missy?”
”I think not!” 
FYI, most banks are now equipped with bullet proof plastic in front of the tellers.  Contrary to popular belief. this is not to ward off robbers.  It’s to cut down on teller “choke out” incidents.
True story…..I almost caused an actual riot in Chase one day when after waiting FOREVER in line I was cut in front of by a “Business Customer”.  I ran up and tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, this line of people back here are not admiring the architecture of the building. We are WAITING TO GO TO THE BANK!”
At which, my comrades in line began to chant and mumble and drag out the tar cauldron and feathers…....
It turned ugly quickly and lets just say the Starbucks cups went flying and they opened a few more windows to calm the angry mob. Plus, they wanted to get the crazy instigator out of their lobby.  I’m sure my picture is in the back on a bulletin board as the one of the “Customers You Don’t Want In The Building."
Just one last thought.  If you ever go into a bank and all the windows are open it could only mean one of two things.  Either its quittin’ time and they want to leave, OR some kind of natural disaster is imminent and they are trying to get home early and pack up their action figure collections!
………I’m just sayin’

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