Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What time is it?

Slammed awake by my alarm clock at 6:00 a.m.…..
Daylight savings time.
Nuff said…
I was in the middle of a dream where I was being dragged off to surgery in the OR where I work and I looked down and noticed I had no pants on.
And a GIANT pink fluffy cashmere sweater.
Probably should be classified as a nightmare.
This would be wrong on soooo many levels.
First of all, half the staff would run screaming from the building which would grind the day to a halt.
Second of all, I would never be invited to Christmas parties again.
“Girl, you should see what she REALLY looks like under her clothes!”
The yearly ritual of Daylight Savings Time is here again and this means for the next two weeks you will hear people proclaim, “Now is that the OLD time or the NEW time?”
Yesterday at work I overheard bits of conversation like, “How can I go to lunch?” “It’s only 9:00 OLD time!!” or “What time is that in NEW time?”
My friend commented that clocks are a man-made invention.
That there are 24 hours in a day no matter what the hands on the clock say.
That we should go to bed when we are tired and wake up when we are rested and throw aside the idea of letting the clock dictate our degree of exhaustion.
Good point. 
But they sure frown on me grabbing a few winks on a gurney in mid-afternoon.
Makes it hard to mop around me.
As for this morning, my puppy never got the change of time memo.
She yanks on her M.C. Hammer puppy pants and does her “Tinkle Dance” the same time every day.
She don’t need no stinkin’ wrist watch!
Or a fancy smancy alarm!
She just “goes with the flow.”
So take heart people! 
We will survive this body clock catastrophe and eventually get used to the “NEW” time and feel somewhat normal again.
Right about the time we need to reset our clocks back to “OLD” time again in November.
……..I’m just sayin’

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