Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl Weekend

AAAAhhhhh, Super Bowl weekend!
Ever since I was a kid I aspired to be a football referee.
Despite my lofty ambition, there were two things that prevented me from rising to that amazing occupation. 
One, I didn’t have the proper equipment below the Equator.
Two, I could see.
Considering the amount of time we all spend on Monday mornings discussing the “bad calls” from the previous weekend of football, the “being able to see part” is obviously not a job requirement.
These bands of fellows who look like they just escaped from “Brother Where Art Thou” with their prison garb uniforms literally hold the hearts of the avid football follower in their hands.
That will all be over after this Sundays game between the Patriots and the Giants. (at least until training camp starts back up in July).
So this weekend will be devoted to people sitting around eating anything they can put on a tortilla chip, watching the game for the commercials and lamenting the fact that their team is not in the middle of the action……waaaaa, Chargers.
So I will be taking the weekend off to prepare for this time honored ritual.
I need to go and buy tissues for any of my friends whose favorite team ends up losing the game.
I also need to direct my son in his demolition of the foot-high grass in my front yard. (the puppy is in danger of being lost forever!).
So enjoy the game my friends and always remember,
The calls would be “fair” if you let Moms be the referees!
..…..I’m just sayin’

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